Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Purpose of The Daily News

What is the purpose of the daily news?Many will answer and say that the news is there to inform the public, but is that really their purpose. Most of the news that is shown on television is shown in less than two to three-minute segments; a person cannot become informed on certain topics in that little amount of time. The three-minute segments of news that are displayed on television only give the viewer a watered down version of information from a biased point of view. When a person watches the news one can see that many of images shown are negative towards a certain subject. The viewer may not see it but the shocking or exciting images being displayed constantly on the daily news must have some greater purpose than to inform the viewer. The greater purpose is to provoke public interest and excitement; this provocation of public interest an excitement through the use of exciting or shocking images, stories, and language is called news sensationalism. Many people think they are being informed by the news but what they do not realize is that it is not always enlightening, as it should be, but it is instead very captivating. Through the use of sensationalism the news that is displayed on television everyday impacts and influences a person by showing them negative images, using â€Å"buzz† words, providing one-sided information, and by restricting boundaries of information.What types of images are displayed daily on the news?Tune into the news and the first image that are shown are images on something negative like murder, war, violence, and death. News stations display these types of negative images in order to acquire your attention. Negative images on the news grab people's attention because they rarely happen in a person's life. People are attracted to negative images of violence and death because they find them fascinating. These negative images are fascinating because many people have not experienced them first hand; there exists less violence and death now than in any other time in human history. Humans are creatures who have evolved over time from a civilization of violence and death to one that has become more sophisticated and educated. Therefore, when images of violence and death are displayed on television they show people a part of the human past that was more violent. This shows that humans have some type wickedness inside them because if they did not humans would not sit in front of their television watching news on people's death. Now when horrible events occur in this world people can see it on the news, therefore, one can say that human beings have become desensitized to negative images because they are being shown constantly in a continual loop. Consequently, the negative images of violence and death may be showed on the news in order to remind humans of their violent past and to show that these events do occur in real life. In addition, the negative images help people manage with their current situations by showing them that their lives are not so bad and could be much worse. The continual loop of negative images reflects that society likes the negative because it reminds humans of their fascination for violence and helps people cope with their current situations. The news media use â€Å"buzz† words constantly in their news and headlines to capture a viewer's attention in order to instill fear and make profit. â€Å"Buzz† words, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, are type of words or phrases that usually sound important or technical and are used primarily to impress people without knowledge in a particular subject (â€Å"buzzword†). First off when a news station tries to grab the viewers attention they usually use the headline â€Å"We just got breaking news,† this phrase immediately captures a person's attention because one does not know what to expect. After that phrase is said some type of â€Å"buzz† word usually follows it immediately because people will not know about the subject since it is breaking news. For example, when 9/11 occurred it was breaking news and president Bush followed right after the attack with a small speech. In that speech president Bush used the â€Å"buzz† words terrorism, bombing, and extremism because they sounded technical to the situation. President Bush's words captured the people's attention and impressed them so much that they were instilled with fear and eventually lead to the war in Iraq. Moreover, by obtaining people's attention through the use of â€Å"buzz† words news stations draw more views, which in turn allows them to get higher ratings and make profit. News stations make profit by selling airtime to commercials, so a news station with a lot of viewers will make a great quantity of money. Therefore, â€Å"buzz† words are used more now than ever before because using them allows news stations to instill fear and gather more viewers which amounts to more profit. When people watch the news they tend to trust the information they are getting because many people are lazy to go searching for information on their own, as a result the news seems real and authentic but in reality the news merely provides biased information. The news provides one-sided information because it is in the news stations best interest to do so; being biased allows news stations to attract specific types of viewers. By attracting a specific type of viewer it allows news stations to push a distinct viewpoint. For example, Fox news is a conservative media outlet that attracts conservatives, while MSNBC is liberal media outlet that attracts liberals. They each have their different point of view but they cater to people who have the same view as them. Therefore, when people watch the news on one of these networks they shall only be informed on one side of the argument. This also shows something about the viewers; it shows that the viewers only watch specific news networks in order to reinforce their side of the argument. Every human has their own one-sided view when it comes to specific subjects, so in order to prove that their view is right to individuals they have to reinforce their biased view in some way and that way is through the news (Eveland). For example, when a person thinks of a Muslim they usually think of a person who is a terrorist and from the Middle East. Their belief on what a Muslim person is was reinforced by the news coverage on 9/11. This gave many people biased views on what type of people are terrorists; the news coverage gave Americans the false perception that all Muslim people must be terrorists that hail from the Middle East. Therefore, most of the biased views that come from the news can be attributed to the viewer's self-centered ideology that they have to be right because the news intention is only to give viewers what they want to hear. In essence, the daily news that is shown is always biased because different media outlets want to attract and give specific viewers what they want.   News stations have created restricted boundaries so that people don't searching for information outside of them.One must first ask what are those restricted boundaries?These restricted boundaries are the information that is not shown to the public. National governments hold many secrets and if they were to be exposed by the news to the citizens many of them would feel betrayed. If people could not trust their government they would most likely rebel so in order to keep their trust the government works behind the scenes controlling what is shown on the news. Many governments do this by regulating the media through the use of money by either fining the news companies or allowing them to be tax exempt. Therefore the news can be used to keep people under control and manipulate them. For example, the media coverage on the 9/11 terrorist attacks was used to manipulate American citizens to go to war with Iraq even though Iraq had nothing do with it. President Bush's administration manipulated â€Å"evidence† on the news so that he could get Americans citizens to agree with him to invade Iraq (Hutchinson). Everyone in America at that time was so focused on revenge that no one dared question the information that was provided on the news. At that time it was a restricted boundary to question whether the war in Iraq was just; everyone just assumed it was justifiable after what had happened. It was not until many years later that Americans went outside the restricted boundary to uncover the truth about why they had invaded Iraq. The news was and continues to be manipulated so that people never search for information outside of restricted boundaries because what they might find may not be what they were shown. The news original intention was to inform the public and provide accurate information. It has changed drastically through the use of news sensationalism. Negative images are now shown so constantly in a continual loop that humans have become attracted to them, which in turn, has helped people cope with their current living situations. â€Å"Buzz† words have also gone on the rise because they have enticed more viewers, which have helped news stations instill fear into people and make more profit. Information on the news has now become biased in order to cater to certain types of people because viewers now only want to reinforce that they are right and justified in their opinions. Restricted boundaries have also been created by the news so that viewers do not go searching for information outside of them because many people may find out that they have been manipulated in some way by the news that was presented to them. To sum it up, the daily news that is presented now is not what it used to be; it is now a tool used by media outlets to distort the truth.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hnc Accounts †Business Law Outcome Essay

There are two institutions in the UK that have the power to make statutory legislation in Scotland. The first of these institutions is Westminster (London) where elected individuals serve in the House of Commons. These members are known as MP’s (Members of Parliament). Parliament is responsible for passing new laws (legislation). In the late nineties the House of Commons allowed the passing of devolved powers to the newly created Scottish Parliament. Only certain powers were transferred to Holyrood and Westminster still control the laws that govern Tax, National Security and many others. Westminster is still regarded as Primary Legislation. This means that any law made by Westminster in reserved matters of policy must be adhered to by the Scottish Parliament. The second of these institutions is Holyrood (Edinburgh) where 129 elected individuals serve in the Scottish Parliament. These members are known as MSP’s (Members of Scottish Parliament). The Scottish Parliament was created on the 11th Sept 1997. The voters in Scotland took part in a referendum where they voted on a Devolved Scottish Parliament. This meant that Westminster would allow this devolved parliament to create laws in certain areas of policy. The Scottish people voted for a devolved parliament and the devolved powers were transferred from Westminster to The Scottish Parliament on the 1st July 1999. Westminster reserved certain powers that still govern many areas of Scotland today but the devolved powers allow Scotland to pass laws and regulate in areas such as Agriculture, Health and Housing to name a few. The process of making primary legislation in the UK follows a very strict procedure of three distinct stages. An MP, Lord or a member of the public can raise a bill to suggest a change of law (legislation). The first stage  of the process involves a parliamentary committee of members. They will review the bill and decide whether it moves to the second stage. The second stage allows amendments to the bill and allows the bill to be scrutinized by the committee and member. If the bill passes this stage then the third stage involves a member vote. If a majority of the members vote for the bill then the bill will be passed and presented to the Queen to receive a Royal Assent. The bill is now law. Common Law has a major role in Scots law today and it draws on four separate elements. Common Law is often referred to as the ‘Unwritten Law’ or ‘Historical Law’. This unwritten law has developed over centuries and draws from different sources. 1. Common law is based on Equity. Equity is the process of allowing judges to apply fairness or justice when there is no legislation to refer to. They must base these decisions on fairness and equality for all. When the judge follows this process of Equity he/she is actually making the law. This is called Precedent and we will talk about this in more detail in point 4. 2. Common law is also based on Institutional Writing. Centuries ago men of a higher class would finish their schooling in the various cities of Europe. These men would learn the laws of other countries and on their return to their estates in the UK would write about these laws and use them to govern their own estates. Institutional Writings no longer hold the authority as days gone by as Government Legislation and Judicial Precedent are supreme and overrule Institutional writings if they are based on similar cases. 3. Common Law is also based on Custom. Custom is when over a long period of time a particular habit is recognized by the people or social grouping. An example of this would be ‘common law husband’ where the couple are not in fact married but have lived as such so therefore the man would be entitled to the same rights as a legal husband. 4. The most important piece of common law in the courts today is Judicial Precedent. Judicial Precedent is where a judge or jury has no other legislation or act of parliament to decide a particular dispute and any decision they make will be followed in the future for any other similar disputes. A precedent can only be superseded by a higher court, government legislation or act of  parliament. Judicial Precedent tries to keep the law stable. Consistency through the court system is vital when trying to uphold the virtues of Fairness and Equality. The four key institutions of the European Union are the Council of Ministers, European Parliament, European Court of Justice and the European Commission. Each of these institutions has a representative from each member nation to allow a voice from each of the member states. The European Commission along with the Council of Ministers can change and amend laws within the European states. The Commission, unlike The Council of Ministers, has the power to change Regulations and issue Directives (these are orders passed by the European Commission or The Council of Ministers to ensure legislation is implemented within all the member states). If a state, company or persons break or do not comply with European law then it is the European Commission who will raise a court action against those who are not complying. The Council of Ministers is the legislative body of the EU. They are head of decision making and law/regulation introduction in the EU. They are the most powerful of all the institutions in Europe. Although the Council has the highest power there are still areas of legislation that the Council cannot pass with the advisory input of the European Parliament. The European Parliament is to advise and make recommendations to the Council of Ministers in various areas of legislation. They will review any piece of legislation or directive and give their opinions on the matter. If the Commission does not implement the recommendations of the Parliament then they must advise why they have not done so. The Parliament cannot change, implement or make European law and are there solely as an advisory Parliament. The European Court of Justice is the highest court within the European states on Community law (laws that have been issued by the Commission or Council of Ministers). If a state, company or persons fail to abide by the regulations  and directives issued by the Commission then it is the Court of Justice responsibility to ensure the law is observed. The Commission will initiate the proceedings and allow the member state an opportunity to defend itself against the complaint. If that process does not result in the breach being rectified the action will then go to the Courts of Justice. There are two main types of European Legislation. They are Directive & Regulation. 1. Directive legislation allows the European Commission to give a timescale for a piece to legislation to be introduced. Directives are issued to ensure that law is common throughout the European Countries. They keep the peoples equality to fairness and equality protected throughout the member states. If a country does not adhere to these directives sanctions can be issued. 2. Regulation Legislation is required in an emergency situation or crisis. They must be acted upon immediately by the state that the order is against. An example of this would be the BSE crisis in the 90’s when an immediate ban was put on the importing and exporting of beef from the UK. All member states had to adhere to this regulation to ensure that British beef stocks did not contaminate the other member states beef stock.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Baroque vs. Classical Music Essay

When many people listen to music from earlier periods, they classify it all as classical music, when although there were many periods of music. Although the two may sound similar to the untrained ear, the Baroque style and the Classical styles of music have many differences. The Baroque Period (1600-1750) was a revolutionary period for music. Preceded by the renaissance, the Baroque Period offered new and different things to music. Common tools were used such as counterpoint and fugue that transformed music.There was a growth in the uses of new Instruments such as the trumpet, French horn, and piano. Composers, such as Johan Sebastian Bach, concentrated on what the music notes lead to and what sounded good to listen to. Bach, who composed over 1200 pieces, was the gold standard for Baroque music, helping to regulate harmony In music. Baroque music was all about emotion. Composers used these tools to weave and blend different sounds together to create unison. Counterpoint NAS a popular tool used, where two separate lines were played together to make harmony. A lot went on in Baroque music. The Classical Period (1750-1825), on the other hand was a lot simpler. Instead of having many instruments playing lines at once in harmony, many instruments would play softly in the background while a solo instrument would play. Classical music consisted of a single melody. Baroque music was very complex, and demonstrated polyphony, where many different sounds went on at the same time, whereas Classical music demonstrated homophony, where the same sounds were played. Form was also a big factor in Classical music.Baroque composers were more concerned about Viking emotion than the form of their piece; Classical composers were the opposite Classical composers demonstrated clear cut form, whereas Baroque composers blended everything together. Classical music was also very repetitive. Composers Would not change much, it was the same melody played over and over. I prefer Baroque music over Classical music. I chose Baroque music because it is a lot more interesting. Classical music is too simple compared to Baroque music. With Baroque music, more emotion is evoked. A great example of this is Vivaldi The FourSeasons where you could actually tell which season Is portrayed by which piece by listening carefully. To me, Classical music Is too boring and repetitive. Baroque music always keeps me on my toes, keeping me guessing at what Is coming next. I care more about what a piece means than the form It Is written In. Although I prefer Baroque music, I do not discredit Classical music at all. A lot of brilliant pieces came from both periods of music. Ay ignominious There was a growth in the uses of new instruments such as the trumpet, French harmony in music. Baroque music was all about emotion. Composers used these Nas a popular tool used, where two separate lines were played together to make The Classical Period (175()-1825), on the other hand was a lot simpler. Instead of Mould not change much, it was the same melody played over and over. Seasons where you could actually tell which season is portrayed by which piece by listening carefully. To me, Classical music is too boring and repetitive. Baroque music always keeps me on my toes, keeping me guessing at what is coming next. I care more about what a piece means than the form it is written in.

Unit 3 IP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unit 3 IP - Essay Example Following report presents the discussion of various applications along with their compatibility and usage addressing the most critical aspects of the manufacturing organizations. Since planning addressing the material requirement is very crucial job for the management, this software will provide the organization to gain access to speed up the entire process of planning and also prevents the issues to occur during the process. The core fundamental of the application is ability to integrate with customer orders, inventory, also providing analytical views on sales, forecasting the different elements including purchases and sales. Pros: This application will provide the company the insight views for the current stock for inventory and involves the critical elements in order determine the accurate and precise level of material to be purchases and manufactured. The application can be tailored according to the needs of the organization. Compatibility: The cost of this application is based on the size of the organization and the need that can be tailored. The compatibility of the software is with the latest technological operating systems (Smcdata, 2011). The main feature of this application is that it provides the configurable settings that enable the user to have full control over the material requirement planning and needs. Since it works with the integration with the external systems therefore it also provide with the forecasts related with the sales and appropriate level of purchase to be done for the material. Tuppas MRP software can also be integrated within different companies especially where the data is diverse. It has self generated reporting system by which it can generate work and purchase orders. This software can be accessed with wireless devices like PDA, Smart Phones like iPhone. This application reduces

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How has the exclusionary rule affected policing Research Paper

How has the exclusionary rule affected policing - Research Paper Example This shows why the congress intents to make distinction as to the necessity for search warrant in the searching of private property in the enforcement of the prohibition act. Exclusionary Rule is a lawful principle in the United State under the law of the constitution. It holds that evidence gathered or analyzed in manipulation of the defendant’s constitutional rights is t times inadmissible for prosecution of a criminal in a law court. This rule can be an example of a prophylactic rule, which is formulated by the judiciary to safeguard a right of the constitution. I think this rule only protects the guilty. The exclusionary rule bars the government from making use o the evidence collected in the violation of the constitution of the United States. This rule is biased as it applies to proof got fro and irrational search or seizure in violation of the fourth amendment (Clancy, 2008). The fourth amendment prohibits or denounces searches and seizures as unreasonable in a manner in which will conserve individual rights and public interests. In addition, the Supreme Court states that under the fourth amendment to the constitution, police officers should get search warrants to carry out searches and seizures unless their actions fall within a few specifically and well-drawn exceptions. This rule is of the view that when an individual collects any evidence that is illegal, the court cannot accept it as proof against the suspect in question. In relation to policing, the exclusionary rule is best understood by incorporating the established laws and the economics phenomena: section bias, principal-agent problems, moral hazard, and violence through substitution. Effects of exclusionary rules on policing The fourth amendment on the exclusionary rules protects the â€Å"right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,† and specifies procedural safeguards to that end. with this rule in pl ace, it means that the police force has no right to search people if they feel their security is threatened or unless it is in good faith. The police has very little it can do in case it is looking for evidence against a suspect. The police force can choose to ignore all suspicious happening in its area of operation though it is not in line with the oath of office to overlook public misconduct. This is because the rule is frustrating. The exclusionary rule has a beneficial influence on police. It creates genuine incentive for police departments to educate their members in the constitutional rights of suspected persons. All people have equal treatment. This is because a suspect can only be a criminal after proving guilty. This means that the law protects them from harassment. The police force is good at harassing individuals just because they are after evidence. By enacting the exclusionary rule, all police teams will learn to appreciate human space. Through training that all the pol ice forces will offer, there will be a good policing unit because every suspect will be handled like a worthy human being. Policing is a government unit with an obligation to provide internal security to the citizens. The use of exclusionary rule will help this governmental unit observe its finances. This is because an police misconduct attracts a fine. This means that if the police officers carry out an operation

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Operations comparing Emirate Airlines and Cathay Pacific Essay

Managing Operations comparing Emirate Airlines and Cathay Pacific AirLine - Essay Example (Doganis, 2001) Emirates airline is an airline company which is based in Dubai, united emirates (UAE) in the Middle East. The company is the biggest airline in the region operating passenger service. It has more than 2,350 flights per week flying to more than 91 cities in over than 61 countries located in six continents. It offers cargo services by use of its Emirates Sky cargo name. The company is based in Dubai international airport. Over 50 % of flights movements in and out of the Dubai airport are carried out by Emirates airplanes, and it is projected that by 2010 the figure will increase to 70%. The airline was established in 1985 by the government of Dubai and it has had a phenomenal growth to be among the largest airline not only in Asia but in the whole world. Emirates has a very strong brand image has been able to get various international wards, and it is set high standards in the industry of aircraft purchasing, service, safety and innovation. In Asia it is ranked as the tenth largest ai rline, and it is ninth in terms of international passenger volume. (Directory, 2007) The airway company was formed way back in 1946 by an American pilot and business man Roy Farrell and an Australian pilot named Sydney de Kantzow. The two entrepreneurs started by operating in Shanghai, then they moved to Hong Kong and registered the company. The company carried out it services for a long time until it merged with BOAC in1960 and continued carrying out it service in Asia though many companies wanted to make an alliance with the company it has managed to run by itself. However the company had its share of problems brought about by Asian financial crisis and government policies. (Directory, 2007) How the wider economic environment impacts on their operations Various economic factors are indicators of the changing industry environment. These economical factors include; Fiscal policy rates, interest rate policy, currency exchange rates, consumer factors, quotas imposed on the product , import tariffs, inflation rate and national interests, expenditures, consumer wealth, etc. It is possible that the climate economy of the world dictates how the consumers of the aviation industry behave. Emirates airline has created an international fleet and increase its number of flights and destination in line with improved macro economy being witnessed in globally. However, the Cathay airline has been slow in changing it operations in relation to the wider economy. Cathay operations due they have been changing in response to the wider economy it is slow in doing so. (Doganis, 2001) What you consider the operations management issues facing the organizations Organizational effectiveness can be defined as the extent to which an organization has achieved its set objectives. Emirate Airline management effectiveness is reported to be high and it is argued that the main reason to its success is because of the measures taken by the entire management in response to changes in contemporary world of business. Emirates Airlines has been credited with building a strong human resource relationship which has enhanced the success of organization. The company recruits its employees based on their qualifications and their competence. Emirates Airlines have embarked on recruiting professionals that produces global culture. (Doganis, 2001) Emirates Airlines has also responded well in terms of new technologies that come up

Friday, July 26, 2019

Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US Essay

Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US - Essay Example As the paper outlines. with the US budget deficit expected to reach the $1.5 trillion mark this year, the government is under immense pressure to initiate sustainable cost-cutting measures. Eliminating the dollar bill and replacing it with dollar coins should be one of the measures because the government will save the taxpayer more than $5 billion in the next 3 decades among other benefits. Cutting on spending is the biggest priority that the US government has so as to set the economy back in motion. The government currently spends a great deal of money printing and circulating the dollar bills. It will actually take 31 cents less to produce a dollar coin as opposed to a dollar bill according to Fiegerman. A coin will definitely last longer than a bill, therefore, saving on reprinting cost. The dollar bill is made of low-quality materials which tend to wear out within 3 years. This will not be the case with a dollar coin which can last for 34 years. It is also estimated that the doll ar bill will become more expensive to make owing to the fact that cotton prices are increasing steadily. This has shot up the cost of making paper by up to 50% as compared to the same time back in 2007. The EU and countries like Canada and Japan have relied on coins for their low denominations. Canada actually found that it saved more than 10 times their earlier estimated figures. Another issue relates to jamming of machines when producing the dollar bills. The Week states that more than $1 billion gets lost after vending machines jam thereby requiring repairs and companies losing on revenue from sales.  There are arguments that the dollar bill is one of the distinctive features of the United States economy and eliminating it will erode this uniqueness. There is also the belief that change to dollar coins will hurt the economy, especially in the current state.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The United States should NOT withdraw its troops from Afganistan in Essay

The United States should NOT withdraw its troops from Afganistan in 2014 as currently planned - Essay Example have started to believe that withdrawal of forces is necessary as the conflict has resulted in thousands of death and the figures continue to rise without any positive impact. According to the figures of June 2011, over 1500 US military officials have lost their lives and this figure does not constitute those who expired due to injuries. Several factors that need to be considered while deciding about the decision of withdrawal including return of Taliban and the outcome of the war. The entire cost of the war has been quite high and the war has been associated with the recent recession experienced by the entire world. Afghanistan itself is in very bad conditions, the infrastructure has been destroyed during the course of the war. Before exiting from Afghanistan, US needs to make sure that life is restored in Afghanistan, if the troops leave now, the probability of return of Taliban and increase in the number of terrorists is quite high. The war was led by United States and if they quit the region, other nations will follow their lead and the allied forces will lose control. On 12 February 2013, President Obama talked about withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the public of United States demands the same (GORDON, 2013). Withdrawing now is not a favorable option as the country is still under the threat of terrorists. If US troops leave now, the Taliban will return to nation as soon as the troops leave. This means that in future, events such as 9/11 will have a higher probability of re-occurring. Death of Osama Bin Laden does not mark the end of terrorism, as replacements of his leadership are already operational. To counter the issue, US troops need to continue fighting in Afghanistan and remain there until life is restored in Afghanistan and all terrorists are eliminated. Withdrawal of troops during 2014 without achievement of end of terrorism and restoration of life in Afghanistan will raise question regarding the entire war. Those who lost their loved ones

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Statistical Foundations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Statistical Foundations - Essay Example The study was conducted in order to understand which activities were taken simultaneously by couples and which of those were separately done. Furthermore, it was the concern of the study to find out if activities conducted together by couples were more enjoyable than those done separately by them. In order to find out the above objectives, the study was able to make use of diaries given to couples in order that they could provide information on the quality of time and ways in which they could manipulate their proportion of time in order to maximize their enjoyment of it. Thus, the time diary analysis can significantly provide information on the domestic division of labour, the quality of time and couples’ significant ways on manipulating time to increase the proportion of enjoyable time (Sullivan, 1996). Unlike any other studies, this study was able to make use of diary instead of survey questionnaires. The bottom line of this was to include the concept and important issues in sociology of emotions. The proponent of this study believed that it may be encompassed by the context of sociology of emotion when it comes to creating an empirical link between the debates on the domestic division of labour and affective relationship between couples (Sullivan, 1996). Detailed description of the statistical inference ... The first consideration of this study was the selection of samples which primarily involved those coming from the whole population of married couples. However, the study was able to make use of stratified sampling considering that there were different categories of couples which primarily involved a.) young couples (under 40) with no children, b.) households with young children (youngest under five) and woman was employed, c.) households with young children (youngest under five) and woman was not employed d.) households with older children (youngest over five) and woman was employed, e.) households with older children (youngest over five) and woman was not employed, and f.) retired employees (Sullivan, 1996). This was all about setting parameters which in this case was trying to come up with information that the author of the study believed to have eradicated the probable bias in data gathering. The respondents who were couples were given diaries and out from them the following infor mation were gathered: ‘the sequential pattern of activities for the entire day for both women and men, the proportion of men’s and women’s time spent in various activities, the proportion of that time spent doing the same activity as a spouse or known as simultaneous activity, women and men’s enjoyment of different activities, and the enjoyment of different activities undertaken and non-simultaneously’ (Sullivan, 1996). Since there was no generally accepted definition of enjoyment as discussed by the proponent based on the available related literature, the study was able to come up with enjoyment rating scale from 1 to 5, 1 - enjoying a lot, 2 – enjoying a little, 3 – neutral, 4 –

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact of Health Care Costs on service Delivery Essay

Impact of Health Care Costs on service Delivery - Essay Example Market forces have increased competition among health care providers, with greater scrutiny of services, accountability for outcomes and emphasis on patient satisfaction. Therefore health care facilities are becoming more service-oriented (Singh & Shi, 2004). It is stated by the National Coalition on Health Care (2007) that high health insurance premiums resulting in a greater number of uninsured people in the community financially affect health care providers and hospitals. Providing affordable health insurance to all Americans would alleviate substantial financial demands on health care facilities. Cooper (1994) observes that health care costs have compelled hospitals to employ new methods to monitor reduced costs and improve quality care and patient satisfaction. These efforts will increasingly expand to include outpatient and physician services. Hospitals will also be under increasing scrutiny by various public and regulatory agencies for their business ventures, hospital-physician relationships and mergers. While financial options will be increasingly limited, the aging of the population will put even greater demands on hospital service delivery, especially on long-term care. Although managed care with strict rationing brought with it concerns about medical errors and reduced services in the late 1990s, practically all U.S. hospitals have established continuous quality improvement programs in order to comply with standards: The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organisations (Wolper, 2004). Wilson & Porter-O’Grady (1999) state that the relationship between cost factors and quality indicators becomes very important to the viability of the health system. Continual cross-consultation and performance comparison activities will require much stronger, more accountable clinical relationships between providers, including physicians. A seamless organisational structure is required in which all the care workers including physicians will need to

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay Example for Free

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay In To Kill a Mockingbird,1 Harper Lee tells of the terrible wrong of racism in an Alabama town.   To avoid resort to an off-putting dogmatic or preaching style, she uses as her narrator Scout.   Turning six at the novel’s beginning, Jean Louise â€Å"Scout† Finch is a precocious tomboy (81), intelligent (17), decent, and brave, and yet innocent of the complex, sometimes dangerous adult world. (19-22)   She must try to understand why her father, a respected attorney, makes himself a â€Å"nigger-lover† by defending a black man accused of raping a white woman (74-75, 85-86, 87); why, a pacifist, he is called on to shoot a mad dog. (92-97)   Jem, older and more knowing, is a vehicle to help Scout grow up. (58)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Atticus is â€Å"civilized in his heart.† (98)   Scout gradually comes to understand the courage and decency that entails, and the costs sometimes involved.   Atticus acknowledges the racist code of his community; he cannot change it.   But he looks beyond labels to see people for what they are. (75)   Calpurnia is as much a mother to his children as she is his servant. (6, 24-25)   Above all, Atticus has principles:   the presumption of innocence; the right to counsel; the duty to one’s conscience. (75-76)   Holding to these, he tries to pass them on to his children.   (91-93)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Arthur â€Å"Boo† Radley, the ghost-like figure who is both a terror and a delight to the children (8-13, ch. 5-6), is a â€Å"mockingbird.†Ã‚   He harms no one, and wants only to be left alone.   Lee portrays beautifully the small ways in which the children reach out to him (58-63), how he responds to them (71-72), and in the end, the delicacy with which Scout protects his dignity allowing him to take her arm and appear the gentleman, even as she walks him home. (278)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although it is often overlooked, there is beauty in the episode of Mrs. Dubose.   Fighting addiction to morphine, irrational in her pain, struggling in silence, and ultimately prevailing against great difficulty, she earns high and deeply felt praise from Atticus: I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.   It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.   You rarely win, but sometimes you do.   Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her.   According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody.   She was the bravest person I ever knew.   (112) SOURCE: Lee, Harper, To Kill A Mockingbird.   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:   J. B. Lippincott Co., 1960.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1Because this is a review essay, in which To Kill a Mockingbird is the single source cited, in-text citations will give only the page numbers, rather than clutter the paper with unnecessary redundancies.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Technical Developments Essay Example for Free

Technical Developments Essay With the increase in the success of record sales came the need to introduce methods to diminish manufacturing costs in order to increase profit margins. Nowhere was this need more prevalent than with the independent record companies in the industry for they had the most to gain let alone survive. After the demise of Germany, German technology made its way across the Atlantic to America. One of these technical break through was the ability to store audio information on magnetic tape. Magnetic tape was a process where Iron Oxide embedded on plastic tape could be magnetized by amplified electrical impulses for the purpose of recording and playing back audio information. It offered editing of performances, portability, and better audio quality and was significally cheaper than the existing technologies. In the USA a company that made Scotch tape called 3M improved the abilities of magnetic tape, allowing recording speeds of 30 ips to be brought down to 15 ips and 71/2 ips with little quality loss but significantly longer recording times. In 1948 Bell laboratories introduced the Transistor to America. Transistor technology could do everything the Vacuum tube at a reduced cost. It required less power, was smaller in size and more durable. Soon the recording studio became portable and could easily be torn down and set-up if the need arisen. Most importantly, the AM radio was created and could be found in the private confines of a teenagers bedroom. It might be hard to believe, but parents would warn their kids about the evils of listening to new music all by oneself. This new advent in technical breakthroughs sparked interest with the major players in the industry like CBS and RCA. Over at CBS the laboratories invented High Fidelity, a new method of improving the record. The Long-Playing record was invented that increased the number of grooves for the playing speed was lowered from 78 rpm to 33 rpm. Because the speed was lowered and the grooves now smaller, the smaller diamond stylus replaced the larger sapphire stylus. The new stylus needed to use lesser pressure allowing the LPs to last a lot longer. Over at RCA, engineers were developing similar technology. They invented a smaller sized record that revolved at 45 rpm. The size of the 45 and the fact that they only played one song worked very well for the jukebox owners. The 33-rpm LP worked well for playing records that offered more than one song and could sell for more money. With the new technical advances, records emerged as a relatively inexpensive medium compared to the overall production costs of Radio, film and Television, With this new trend, smaller independent record companies could compete with the larger companies and naturally they grew in stature and power. Records soon became the mainstay of radio and by 1952 record sales surpassed sheet music sales as a source of revenue in the music business. No longer was the jukebox the main resource for record promotion, radio with its new personalities would make sure of that. The main broadcasting format was AM amplitude modulation, even though FM frequency modulation had been around for a while. FM was in conflict with the introduction of TV for it existed in the VHF bandwidth that TV also shared, and had to take a back seat to AM even though its broadcasting quality was better. It was obvious to the broadcasting companies that the future lied in TV and radio would always be secondary. A compromise was made with Fm broadcasters and TV when TV allowed FM to operate on channel 1 on the TV station dial. It was later shifted to a bandwidth between 88-108 megacycles (between channels 6 and 7 where in now lives today. This proved to be devastating for FM broadcasters for not too many people were interested in buying an FM radio. In 1946 there were almost 7 million AM radios and less than 75,000 FM radios, and it would be a long time until TV was thoroughly entrenched that FM would start to emerge as a broadcaster for classical radio. With the development of TV came the fatal blow to network radio, for the large advertisers were much more interested in sponsoring TV programming than radio. But radio managed to survive via the Independent broadcasters that could rely on local advertisers for revenues, what we call today Retail verses the Corporate advertising of the major broadcasters. It is amazing to acknowledge the efforts and the luck of the independents in their pursuit of good music.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Design And Build Procurement

Design And Build Procurement In this chapter, the definitions of Design and Build procurement including its concept and characteristics will be revealed. The success factors of using Design and Build procurement and the major task of developing the projects scope of work will be covered in great detail in this chapter. The definitive performance criteria of a project specifically in major aspects of time, cost and quality will deeply explained. The chapter then moves forward to the affect of features of Design and Build on roles and responsibilities of the contractor within the process. The explanation on ways of the contractor proposes to achieve them. This chapter then also describes the implementation of Design and Build in Malaysia accordingly to its history performance and problems that have been occurred in Malaysia by using Design and Build procurement. 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT It is clear that there are many different variables to take into account when selecting the procurement method for our project. It is quite difficult due to each procurement methods differ from each other in unique ways. The key on making decisions on choosing the right procurement method is that each differs from the other on its own basis. Thus, it takes a few key questions to help decide which one should be use. The flow chart below shows the key questions and decisions on which procurement method should be used. The process of building procurement involves a series of different specialists in contributing to the construction work at different times. Design and build procurement has been in use for a very long time for more than a decade in the twentieth century. It has become more widespread across United State as well as around the world and had found in many industries. From a survey of trends in methods of procurement that were carried out by RICS from Davis Langdon and Everest revealed that in 1984, 5.06% of construction projects were procured on a Design and Build basis. Added that by 1991, this had risen to 14.78% .Revealing proudly by the Contract Journal July 1994, that the Design and Build turnover of the United Kingdoms top 70 Design and Build contractors increased by 15% during the period 1992 to 1993. The growth in the use of Design and Build recently as a procurement route is seen as being such radical change that could allow the industry to develop cost radical change that allo w the industry to develop cost models that automatically can reflect the construction rather than design processes. It seems as the most logical way to procure a building and thus given a clean slate to start with. However, many design professionals and owners had feared that this would result in the minimization or even destruction of the designers responsibility. This procurement is said to be able to furnish a design that maximizes quality within the projects budgetary constraints. Numerous successfully completed Design and Build projects range from housing, through industrial and commercial projects, to major complexes. It proves that this procurement method has very wide applicability. Frequently, the Design and Build contractor would be asked to contract with the clients designers, so that there is some continuity of the design effort, but the remaining design work is the contractors responsibility. This involves formally transferring the designers contracts from the client to the builder which is called novation. 2.1.1 DEFINITIONS OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT Design and build procurement is a procurement where it combine the design and construction process under a single entity. Design and Build terms are taken from its strategy itself where it would entail the contractor to carry out the work; the design work as well as the construction and also the completion of the work. As according to Turner (1990) and Jansen (1991) has supported that design and build contractor is supplying the procurement option of buying a finished building. While according to Masterman (1992) the term Design and Build has almost been unanimously interpreted and defined as being an arrangement where one contracting organization takes sole responsibility, normally on a lump sum fixed price basis, for the bespoke design and construction of a clients project. he then elaborate that this contains three elements; the responsibility for design and construction, contractors reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum and the project is designed and built specifically to meet the clients need. Furthermore, as according to David Cappell (1997), Design and Build place responsibility for both design and erection in the hands of the contractor one point of responsibility for everything. However, theres an existence of one common thread that all Design Build delivery systems share which would be a single point of responsibilities for both design and construction. In other definition, Design and Build can be said as arrangement where one organization design and construct to the firm orders of the client for a single financial transaction. In general, the definition of Design and Build can be summarized as providing a single point responsibility for the whole design and construction. Below is a chart to differentiate between Design and Build procurement with traditional procurement. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: (a) Single point responsibility Design and Build Procurement (b) Fragmented responsibility Traditional Procurement (Source: Bennett and Grice, 1992) 2.1.2 CONCEPT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DESIGN AND BUILD A basic concept in Design and Build procurement is that it requires the project to be contracted to a single organization which is responsible for design, procurement, and engineering and commissioning. The first step before choosing a procurement method should be through analysis of the projects characteristics on a global basis, including those technical requirements for design and construction. The projects owner will ensure that the entire context in which the project be delivered is thorough understood and can be accounted for in plans for schedule, price and quality. Once the owner has determined all the external constraints that might impact on its project, a project procurement method can be selected. There are quite many good reasons why an owner would select Design and Build for a given project. Theres a list of reasons for which an owner might decide that a project is suitable for the use of Design and Build procurement method. It would be: Where a compressed delivery schedule is required; A single point responsibility is required, Constructability consideration drive the design concept or details, Unique factors require special knowledge or experience to produce the least-cost design, The owner/designer must rely on the builder to optimize technology wit cost, The project will site-adapt a previous design, The project is a common commercial facility, The project is beyond the owners technical capability, Lastly, where risk can be shared to reduce cost. This can be supported by Masteman (2002), who argued that the definitions of the Design and Build contains three elements that would fundamental characteristics of this system, which are; the responsibility for design and construction lies with one organization, reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum, and project is designed and built specifically to meet the needs of the client. 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD An owner of a project would definitely want to obtain a building that satisfies his needs of good performance. The meaning of a good performance here require the project to form a high level of quality, of which including optimum economic price within the agreed time. Hashim (1996) concluded that the major factors tat affect the time and cost overruns would be; (1) the procurement systems adopted, (2) the variation works, (3) delay in subcontractors work, and lastly (4) shortage of building materials. She also provides her findings to prove the relation to the procurement systems used and their impact on time cost overruns. It is very crucial that the selection of the procurement method lies in the clients responsibility. Because of that, the selected procurement should; Meets the needs of the client, the type of project and the risks that might occur, can be handle by the client Related to the expertise available within the clients organization, resource and funding facility. Before the client decides which procurement method to be use, the relative importance of the three key criteria that need to be taken into account in procurement would be; time, cost and quality performance. TIME COST QUALITY The three criteria are inter-related. For instance, decisions affecting time will affect cost or both cost and performance. The key objective are exists to ensure that the clients objective are met effectively, efficiently and economically. 2.2.1 TIME Early completion of a project rather one of the most required by the client. Nevertheless, most construction project fails to achieve this requirement. Because of that the selection of procurement method to be use should be done wisely. This requirement of early completion can be achieved if construction starts before the design is completed. It can be said that the greater overlap between the construction and the design stage, the less time will be required to complete the project. However, the amount of variation is likely to increase because of this relation. Form the studies by University of Reading (United Kingdom) evaluate that the construction speed of design and build projects is 12% faster than traditional approaches and the overall project delivery speed (including design and construction) is 30% faster than traditional methods. Added that, the certainty of completion in time increases with the earlier the contractors involve in the design processes. 2.2.2 COST Lower cost of the construction project is another factor that is most important in ones employer requirement. The overlap between the design and construction means that construction starts before the cost is fixed, which will increase the uncertainty over the cost. This will drag the cost forecasting to become critical. Research had found out that time or cost have a real strong interactions between the design and build system. Also, from findings it stated that by combining the full overtime schedule, average ordering and also fast track construction with moderate crashing of design can made achieve towards improvements in both time and cost. By the researchers findings, it had stated that 75% of design and build project were completed within 5% of budget, compared with 63% of traditional projects. Design and build projects are at least 13% cheaper than traditionally procured projects. Greatest cost certainty is achieved for design and builds projects when the owners requirements are detailed. 2.2.3 QUALITY The issue of building quality is very important. From the facts, the quality performance characteristics determine the project time and cost. The performance of a project includes the function of the facility, its quality and appearance and durability, together with reliability and efficiency of the operation. The quality performance required from the completed facility is where it has the ability to control and make changes to the detailed specification after the contracts have been let. Design and build consistently better in meeting quality requirements for complex or innovative buildings rather than simple, standard, traditional buildings. 2.2.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The roles and responsibilities of each of the members of the project team should be considered carefully to avoid problems associated with assembling temporary teams of professionals. The contractors are responsible to; (1) undertake the design work outlined in contractors proposal which match with the employers requirements, (2) to fabricate the building, (3) to coordinate and integrate the entire process. The figure below shows the relationship of project team in design and build procurement. This contractual relationship in design and build is clearly shows that the contractor is responsible for everything. The design and build process increases the opportunities to use the contractors experience during the design stages of the project and their key strengths in management of the construction works. The extension of the contractors role design role is sometimes much less than the associated design responsibilities. The contractor then takes the responsibility for the design, without having any previous involvement with the design team. However, with the variability of types of construction projects and the experiences of clients in such projects, recent research had found that contractors may lack proper understanding of managing the varying types of design processes. The contractor must do whatever it takes to achieve the employers requirements. A single point responsibility means that the contractor is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed in time within the specified budget. Any delays beyond the control of the employer would be at the risk of the contractor. Other than that, the contractor also has to take into account the qualities that are agreed between the employers. Design and build contractors should understand the aesthetics or architecture value because the clients might not understand this kind of things. However, to ensure a contractor to produce what is specified by the client is not the same as ensuring the contractor producing a good and high quality building. 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA Construction activities occurred mostly on the more developed western side of peninsular Malaysia, which would be around KL. It began to gain importance in the economy in the 1990s through its roles in the areas of reconstruction and modernization. There are seven main elements of the processes of construction procurement considered to be specific to Malaysia. These seven elements are divided into two broad categories; (1) the processes during preconstruction stage, and (2) the processes during construction stage. The processes of construction procurement during preconstruction stage are: Initiation / promotion Funding Design schematic design, detailed design and specialist design. Statutory approval approval to initiate and to construct a facility and final approval to occupy the completed facility. Tendering The processes of construction procurement during construction stage are: Construction management and physical construction processes. Risk allocation The mostly used procurement are listed below in order of their importance that has been identified as the dominant procurement systems in Malaysia. Traditional lump sum system Design and build / turnkey system Management contracting 2.3.1 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF STUDY Design and build procurement was first launched in the Public Works Department by the Malaysian Prime Minister in 1983. The first unit that has applied the system would be by the Kuala Terengganu Hospital, which was completed in 1985. Research has shown that there is a continuous increase in the use of Design and Build over the last 24 years. The system use in Malaysia was pioneered by the JKR. In this system, there exist only two parties, i.e., the client and the contractor. In Malaysia, comprehensive data on the use of different types of procurement systems is not available. However, design and build is one of the procurement systems frequently used in Malaysia. 2.3.2 CONTRACTORS IN MALAYSIA The total goals of a project to significant cost savings, time savings and better quality can be achieve in considering the contractors construction experience in earlier construction phases. Since the system of design and build become successfully growing in recent years, many contractors are successfully operate in this market and they bring appropriate skills to bare in regard to the management and co-ordination of the overall process. However, the studies from Nima, M.A. M.R. Abdul-Kadir et al. (2001) also Rosli M.Z. (2004) show a shortage of knowledge among Malaysian contractors. They added that, a contractor have a supreme position in developing the constructability issue in different stages of construction projects which decreases probability of stoppages, delays and contract modifications. Any contribution from construction players in early stages of project can supply a useful guidance to bring deconstruction rules to design phase (Herman et al., 2003). The issue in this country is where the construction contractors are not invited to participate in design activities, before the design reaches to end. This will reduce their ability to influence the project specification finally. Other researches had state that different sources of knowledge has emphasized on importance of design phase and decisions that can make tremendous changes in the project output (BCA, 2005; Construction Industry Review Committee, 2001; Galvinich, 1995; Gray Hughes, 2001; Nima et al., 2002; Unlik Lones, 1998). The more integration will result in greater amount of cost savings, labor savings and also less substance wastage. The design itself can lead the contractors to choose a better construction method which helps to an improved constructability. In addition, the contractors can use their construction experience to help the designers in better designs, then they can try to increase the flexibility of the project to avoid any later design modifications that requires more money injections to the projects (Lam et al., 2007). 2.3.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IN DESIGN AND BUILD Ndekugri Turner (1994) suggests that by using design and build can provide better value for money and can give rise to fewer disputes than other procurement methods. One of the key advantage by using design and build is the opportunity to integrate the design and construction components. Argues by Saxon (2000) include that design and construction offers better performance in time and costs and results in lesser defects. The main advantages of design and build system that are obviously shown include: Single point responsibility for both design and construction processes Price is fixed in advance of construction Overlapping of design and construction process (in contrast to the traditional system) The design and build contractor could incorporate the concept of buildability into the design which in turn would facilitate speedier and economical construction production. However, implementing design and build procurement also have the cons that need to be aware of. Its disadvantages are: Unclear client brief (Ho et al., 1996; Chan, 1997; Ernzan Schexnayder,2000) Lack of standard forms of contract (Ho et al., 1996; Gunning McDermott, 1997) Inadequate and insufficient information and coordination among parties (Ndekugri Church, 1996; Ho et al., 1996) Late design changes (Gunning McDermott, 1997; Chan, 1997). The projects costs could be higher than the traditional system Projects often lacks of aesthetic values The system is not very accommodative to changes Other than that, Smith (1992) stated some of his research of design and build difficulties that may have to be faced: Contractor dominated by staff who are unfamiliar with the design process Inadequate fee quoted for design services by consultants Contractors operational staff too busy to consider design issues Contractors lacks expertise to manage the design interface between consultants and subcontract designers Contractor leaves subcontractors to co-ordinate work amongst themselves 2.4 CONCLUSION Alternative project system or delivery is gaining popularity towards Malaysia and outside countries. From this literature, we can see that the implementation of design and build in Malaysia proven to be one of the successfully delivering method in an expeditious manner without sacrificing quality or economy. As for the contractors in Malaysia, the lack of knowledge can become the main reason to the unsuccessful of design and build delivery. Other than that, design and build seems the most appropriate delivery method that can improve ones project performance. DRAFT OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS (CONTRACTORS VIEW ON DB) CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS (DB ACHIEVEMENT) CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT 2.1.1 Definitions of Design and Build Procurement 2.1.2 Concept and Characteristics of Design and Build Procurement 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD 2.2.1 Time 2.2.2 Cost 2.2.3 Quality 2.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of the Contractor 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA 2.3.1 History and Background of Study 2.3.2 Contractors in Malaysia 2.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Design and Build 2.4 CONCLUSION

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Harrapan Civilization Essay -- essays papers

The Harrapan Civilization The Indus Valley, or Harrapan, civilization was discovered in 1920-21 when engraved seals were discovered near present-day Sahiwal in Pakistani Punjab at a place called Harappa. Excavations at Mohenjodaro in Sind discovered the buried remains of a civilization with a pictographic script. The Harappans first settled sites along the Indus River. This civilization extended to the Yamuna along the bed of the river Ghaggar in Rajhastan, Gujrat and up to the mouths of the rivers Narbada and Tapati. The Harappan culture extended from the Indus Valley through northeastern Afghanistan, on into Turkestan. Most of the major sites of this civilization are in Pakistan. In fact it is in Pakistan that an earlier phase of it has also been unearthed. This happened between 1955-57 when a Pakistani archaeologist, F.A.Khan, discovered a town of the pre-Indus period 3300 to 2800 BC at Kot Diji in Khairpur, Sind. Such sites were also discovered by Rafique Mughal in Bahawalpur, in the Cholistan desert, extending the area of this culture to the whole of southern Pakistan. The first appearance of this civilization was the early Harappan/Ravi Phase. This Ravi Phase, named after the nearby Ravi River, lasted from approximately 3300 BC, or even 3500 BC, to 2800 BC. This phase is related to the Hakra Phase, identified in the Ghaggar-Hakra river valley to the west, and predates the Kot Diji Phase (2800 -2600 BC), named after a site in northern Sindh near Mohenjo-daro. I...

Web-Based Issue Position Statement :: Essays Papers

Web-Based Issue Position Statement Introduction The use of laboratory animals in the classroom is an extremely controversial issue. Ethics as well as religion are challenged with the dissection of animals. This controversy is not a new one, animal dissection has been disputed for well over a hundred years (National Research Council, 1988). There have been numerous court cases concerning this issue and laws have been enacted to give students the right to refrain from participating in animal dissection (NABT, 1990). Background Animal dissection started hundreds of years ago in order to gain a better understanding of how the body works. It has helped us to learn about, prevent, and cure diseases that could have otherwise never been understood (National Research Council, 1988). Without animal research human health in general would be at a much lower level. â€Å" the United States, animal experimentation has contributed to an increase in average life expectancy of about twenty five years since 1900† (Research Council, 1988). Dissection was not used in the classroom until 1920 and did not become part of the regular curriculum until the 1960’s (NABT, 1990). The original attitude towards dissection in the classroom was generally supportive and understanding of the benefits of this type of study. In 1987 high school student Jennifer Graham went to court after her grade was lowered because she refused to participate in a frog dissection. After this incident, public opinion on dissection in the classroom completely changed (NABT, 1990). Since then, the controversy has heightened and researchers continue to debate with animal rights activists on the issue. People in support of animal use in the classroom present several arguments, the most popular being that it is a hands-on experience that allows student the opportunity to understand the body form and function (Lewis, 1997). It also allows students to see the actual placement of organs, the appearance and texture of tissues and organs, and the relationship of the organs with one another (NABT, 1990). Howard E. Buhse, associate director of the department of biological sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims that through dissection students gain a respect for the complicated way a body is put together. Buhse also states that the plastic models throw students off because, unlike the models, no body has perfect organs and there is natural anatomical variation of the placement of the organs (Lewis, 1997).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Teachers Assessment of Writing in English Essay -- narrative, philosop

The most difficult aspect of being an English teacher, for me, is assessing my students’ writing. I can remember, so clearly, the day my cooperating teacher handed me a student’s writing and said, â€Å"Read this and give it a grade.† After reading it, I felt an overwhelming and uncomfortable power shadow over me. I didn’t know the rules of assessment. What was I supposed to be looking for anyway? I was able to realize immediately that there is a definite difference between knowing how to write an essay and knowing how to assess one. When I was asked what I finally came up with as a grade, I told her the student earned a â€Å"B.† She agreed and I remember thinking to myself that maybe my task wasn’t as difficult as I had thought moments before. Then, just when I thought the hard part was over, she asked me why I gave it a â€Å"B.† After giving her my reasons, she stated she was in agreement with me. At this point, I asked her what grade she had given it. She replied, â€Å"B-.† Now I was completely baffled. How could she agree with everything that I said and then give it a different grade? Whether or not teachers like to admit it, assessing writing is, in fact, a fragile issue as well as a partly subjective one. For instance, while my cooperating teacher agreed with my insight, she also thought that particular student should have applied more effort to the essay. After teaching this student for eight months already, she was aware of his capabilities as a writer and expected more. Her reasoning was one that I would never have been able to develop since I was not as familiar with the student. Can the assessment of writing be accomplished in a fair manner? There is no doubt that readers are subjective viewers. It is an issue that we are unabl... ...rection. In this way, the students will earn higher grades and become better writers in the process. This direction through assessment will help lead students to success. The use of assessment in writing remains a delicate topic for many teachers. However, with our help, it can grow to be a positive force in our students’ lives. Berlin once said, â€Å"To teach writing is to teach a version of reality.† The importance of communication and success in our world is, indeed, a reality. Isn’t the assessment of writing, after all, a version of reality as well? Aren’t we supposed to be preparing our students for their futures? Although assessing writing is not a simple task, it should not be viewed as unfair or unnecessary. Instead, we must consider it unfair and unjust to hide this reality from the students who will continually encounter it once they exit our classroom doors. Teacher's Assessment of Writing in English Essay -- narrative, philosop The most difficult aspect of being an English teacher, for me, is assessing my students’ writing. I can remember, so clearly, the day my cooperating teacher handed me a student’s writing and said, â€Å"Read this and give it a grade.† After reading it, I felt an overwhelming and uncomfortable power shadow over me. I didn’t know the rules of assessment. What was I supposed to be looking for anyway? I was able to realize immediately that there is a definite difference between knowing how to write an essay and knowing how to assess one. When I was asked what I finally came up with as a grade, I told her the student earned a â€Å"B.† She agreed and I remember thinking to myself that maybe my task wasn’t as difficult as I had thought moments before. Then, just when I thought the hard part was over, she asked me why I gave it a â€Å"B.† After giving her my reasons, she stated she was in agreement with me. At this point, I asked her what grade she had given it. She replied, â€Å"B-.† Now I was completely baffled. How could she agree with everything that I said and then give it a different grade? Whether or not teachers like to admit it, assessing writing is, in fact, a fragile issue as well as a partly subjective one. For instance, while my cooperating teacher agreed with my insight, she also thought that particular student should have applied more effort to the essay. After teaching this student for eight months already, she was aware of his capabilities as a writer and expected more. Her reasoning was one that I would never have been able to develop since I was not as familiar with the student. Can the assessment of writing be accomplished in a fair manner? There is no doubt that readers are subjective viewers. It is an issue that we are unabl... ...rection. In this way, the students will earn higher grades and become better writers in the process. This direction through assessment will help lead students to success. The use of assessment in writing remains a delicate topic for many teachers. However, with our help, it can grow to be a positive force in our students’ lives. Berlin once said, â€Å"To teach writing is to teach a version of reality.† The importance of communication and success in our world is, indeed, a reality. Isn’t the assessment of writing, after all, a version of reality as well? Aren’t we supposed to be preparing our students for their futures? Although assessing writing is not a simple task, it should not be viewed as unfair or unnecessary. Instead, we must consider it unfair and unjust to hide this reality from the students who will continually encounter it once they exit our classroom doors.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Esprit five forces Essay

Esprit faces competitors such as H&M, Uniqlo, Zara, Mango, Giordano, and Gap. Esprit’s goal is to make its own enterprise gain advantage relative to its competitors. So when they implement their plan to achieve their goal, conflict occurs with their competitors. Competition is often manifested in the price, advertising, products, services and so on. Many â€Å"Fast Fashion† brands have different product lines. Their products are more innovative and stylish. Also those brands can meet the needs of middle-class consumers. Therefore those brands can occupy the market share and gain the market value. In 2011, Esprit lost more than 90% income from 2007. It is because Esprit lost its brand positioning, continuously slipping in popularity, less consumer demand, lack of innovation and unable to meet diverse needs of consumers. To solve these problems, Esprit decided to exit its North American retail operation. They cooperate with new competent license partner instead. However, they did not give up on North America entirely. Because exit the competition is more costly than continue to participate in the competition. There are some reason will mainly affect Esprit such as economic factors, global strategy and emotional effects. Socio-political factors include asset specificity and costs of exit. Threats of Buyer’s Growing Bargaining Power Esprit exists in fast fashion industry and there are few competitors in the industry. The products of fast fashion industry have similar style. Therefore buyers would have lots of choices. Buyers would like to get higher-quality products at an affordable price and this will affect the profitability of companies in the industry. In China market, China has a huge market size and demographic differences among provinces. However, China is a â€Å"Red Sea†. Esprit cannot get a desirable profit because there are too many competitors. This affect the buyers in China have more choices to make their own decision. Threats of Suppliers’ Growing Bargaining Power Supplier bargaining power is the ability to influence the setting of price. Suppliers lower their material’s quality and value but raise up the price of  input factors in order to influence the existing industry in profitability and competitiveness. Different supplier’s materials have certain characteristics and distinguishing features. Therefore the retailer cannot change the supplier suddenly without planning because changing the supplier may higher the cost. Also the one of the important reason is retailer hard to discover a high quality to replace the material. The strength of supplier bargaining power is mainly depends on what materials or input factors they provide to Esprit. When suppliers provide the input factors that the value occupy Esprit’s large proportion of the total cost of product and the production process is critical or seriously affect the quality of the product, the potential bargaining power of supplier is greatly enhanced. Threats of New Entrants Barriers of entry include economies of scale, product differentiation, switching costs, capital needed, sales channels, natural resources, policies, geography, and so on. Some of these barriers are hard to breakthrough by means of copying or imitation. The possibility of new enterprises to enter the industry is depends on the entrant, estimated potential impact of interest rate and the required cost of the risk to take. Competitive access to the severity of the threat depends on two factors. One is the size and the other one is expected barriers to new areas of existing businesses respond to entrants. However, the fast fashion industry entry barriers are very low. Therefore there is a lot of competitors who almost sales the same products or services in order to gain the fast fashion market share. Esprit is being tough and very hard to survival in this market which has high competition of market share of raw materials and it may lower the profitability of a company in the industry. Th reats of Substitute Products Esprit and its competitor such as H&M, Gap’s products are very similar and their products are substitute products. The competitive of substitute products will affect the competitive strategy of the company in the fast fashion industry. The existing product prices and potential of increasing the profitability are limited by the user’s acceptability of the existing substitute products. Because of invades of substitute products, the existing enterprises must improve the quality of their products, reduce the cost in  order to lower the price or make the products be more unique in order to prevent the loss and frustrated of sales. The lower price and higher quality of substitute product will produce a strong competitive pressure to the enterprises. The intensity of competition from substitute product can specifically observe by examining the sales growth, factory production capacity and profit expansion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Walt and Emily Go A-Courtin’

The magnificent spring of 1850 seemed to reinvigorate venerate for everyone, except Walt. When I instal him clout leaves of grass from the lawn and talking to them, I knew he needed a lady. My sisters friends cousin Emily was tour from capital of Massachusetts, and though he was ten commodious time older than her, we decided it would be perfect(a).Walt took a bath and trimmed his beard in front setting off to visit Emily in Connecticut. Having left just before dawn, Walt was deteriorate from the hours-long ride from Brooklyn when he arrived, exactly the internet site of a dainty waif uphill through the door renewed his vigor. He doffed his hat and state with a smile, Greetings young woman Dickinson, I presume?Im Nobody Who ar you? she asked in a nervous, diminutive voice. argon you nobodytoo? (Im nobody Who are you? 1-2).Walt Whitman am I, a Kosmos, of mighty Manhattan the son (Walt Whitman, 492), he verbalize confidently. I am definitely non nobody, and you, miss, ap pear to be somebody, too.How drearyto besomebody Emily exclaimed. How publiclike a Frogto tell ones namethe livelong June (Im nobody 5-7). I am present and so are you, with our names or without. Names cannot change that.Your every article is poetry, Walt utter. He then stepped closer to Emily, took her progress to and said, Whoever you are, now I place my cash in ones chips upon you, that you be my poem (To You, 7). Emily melted at his battle crys Walt asked, Would you care to walk with me, scarper Dickinson?Emily was nervous, but she had faith that her cousin would not any(a)ow a questionable suitor, though his appearance was scruffier than she hoped. let me get my shawl, she said running back into the house, returning moments later. Its all I flummox to bring today, she said of the cottony shawl. This, and my heart beside. This, and my heart, and all the fields, and all the meadows wide (Its all I have to bring to-day, 1-4).The pair walked down to Jefferson Park, talking about life, nature, and their love of writing. This was only the southward time Emily had left her parents house in Amherst and she spoke of her family a great deal (Emily Dickinson). Emily was fascinated by Walts stories of traveling from stark naked York to New Orleans. He explained how seeing slavery support him to move back to New York to demoralize the Brooklyn Freeman (Walt Whitman). They reached a patch of wildflowers close together(p) a vast lawn. Walt reached down and picked a daisy.The runaway slave came to my house and stopt outside(a) (Walt Whitman, 182), he said. I took him in, cleaned his wounds, ate dinner party with him. He staid with me a workweek before he was recuperated and passd north (189). I aspire to support all those wishing escape from the barbaric bondage inflicted by others. Or, afflicted upon themselves. He gave the daisy to Emily.I never hear the reciprocation escape without a quicker blood, a sudden expectation, a flying status (I never hear the word escape, 1-4), confessed Emily. I reason, earth is short, and foreboding absolute. And many hurt but what of that? (I reason earth is short, 1-4).In this coarse Earth of ours,amid the measureless grossness and the slag, cover and safe within its central heart,nestles the germ Perfection (Song of the Universal, 4-7), said Walt. Freedom, democracy, the labor union of manthese we entrust achieve together, or die in absolute misery, pain, and despair.Let me not mar that perfect ideate (Let me not mar that perfect dream, 1), she said, as she placed the daisy in Walts lapel. She picked another one and put it tramp her ear. Dreams fuel love, and love, intellect.The pair walked for hours through the vast lawns of the park, along the foot trails that weaved through the woods. They realise that any potential love share for each other would be melodious not physical, and their spiritual differences ran deep. They finally do their way back to the house of Emilys cousin, prom ised to correspond, and decided to part as friends.I wrap up myself within my flower, that wearing on your breast, you, unsuspecting, wear me too (I hide myself within my flower, 1-3), said Emily from the front stoop.You inspire me, miss, and for this I thank you. Each substantive word I write, I get out take comfort knowing you will be somewhere doing likewise, Walt bowed. And now, I shall go forth,I shall traverse The States awhilebut I cannot tell whither or how long (As the Time Draws Nigh, 3-4). My words are yours, Miss Emily Dickson.Walt departed restored, ready to spill the splendors of life, love, and individual freedom. He needed not a girl, but inspiration, which he found in the young poetess. Emily went upstairs as inspired and began to write about the day. They transfer letters long after their unaccompanied meeting, but Walt and Emily never met again.Works CitedDickinson, Emily. I hide myself within my flower, I never hear the word escape, I reasonearth is short, Im nobody Who are you?, Its all I have to bring to-day, Let me not mar that perfect dream. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston Little, Brown, 1924, 2000. 7 January 2007 .Emily Dickinson. from the Academy of American Poets. 2007. 7 January 2007.Walt Whiman. from the Academy of American Poets. 2007. 7 January 2007.Whitman, Walt. As the Time Draws Nigh, Song of the Universal, To You, WaltWhitman, Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia David McKay, c1900, 1999. 7 January 2007 .

Art History Essay

1. How does Ernst Gombrich desexualize mode and how might we understand the relationship between an objects style and the judgment of conviction and lead in which it was realised? Ernst Gombrich defines style as any distinctive, and thusly perceptible, way in which an act is performed or an artefact made or ought to be performed and made. He in any case portrays style as distinguished event or pieces that has desirable consistency and conspicuousness and stands out from a mickle of undistinguished events or objects. In relation to time and place in which style was created, The analysis of rhetorical traditions in terms of the means peculiar to various(prenominal) arts cuts across another approach, which is less implicated in longitudinal study of evolution than in the synchronic characterization of all activities of a token group, nation, or accomplishment.2. Based upon the readings, what is the relationship between style and form? Style is observing and seeing recogniza ble features in an object form is in representing the event, portrays the idea, in which style and form come together to create pictorial theatrical performance.3. Jacques-Louis David is often described as the leader of the Neo undefiled school of painting and Oath of the Horatii is a great deal described as the quintessential Neoclassical painting. describe five elements of Davids painting that might be described as Neoclassical. 1. Neoclassic artists and critics sought to resurrect the ideal of classical Greece and Rome. The drapery and clothing dim by the figures in the drawing represent the classical Greek era, as well as the columns in the background show a great representation of classical architecture.4. The harsh, slanting light gives the figures their relief, and their contrasting characters atomic number 18 conveyed using different forms. The figures are separated by large empty spaces in a stage-like domain shown head-on. The applied shade and shadow contrasted t o the lighting vehemence enhanced the perception of depth.5. There is a gumption of order, logic, and clarity in the subject matter and content, concepts much(prenominal) as dedicating it to a ruler. Also there is a sense of decorum, appropriateness, and morality was emphasized. The painting isnt styled with puckish subject matter, or dreamy mythological, Greek god-like figures and nacreous colors, but technical approach by the artist.6. by the use of shade and applied shadows to representing three dimensional space on a two dimensional canvas. The 1-point perspective of the room was convincingly natural the gentleman figures were well proportioned and anatomically accurate.7. The return to the Roman ancientness was the primary source of inspiration, which led to a period of resurgence in classicism and classical knowledge. It was excessively a period of enlightenment and rational thinking. This inviolate picture was a result of an imagination, drawn up with convincing reali sm to serve as an typification to convince the viewers at their first glance.8. inform the significance of genre and narrative in the mixture of Davids Oath as Neoclassical. This image is classified advertisement in the genre of hi bosh painting. This painting was base on the legend about the founding of Rome. David tells the story of three brothers that make an oath of loyalty to their make swearing defend their city til death. . Most Neo-Classical paintings dramatize their subjects from Ancient Greek and Roman history. In this painting, the Horatii brothers are swearing an oath on their swords, which their father presents to them to foment until they die for their country. David creates the ideal image to represent great seriousness and moral commitment, which are the basic principles of Neo-Classicism. David achieves what to the highest degree neoclassical artists and critics strive for in their art by reviving the idea of classical Greece and Rome.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Human Resource Planning Essay

The butt a get alongst that assigns an organic laws strategicalal picture with its military mane being imagination dealfully is called merciful imaging grooming. The wee out verifys that staveing need ar communicate to strive the fundamental laws objectives. gentleman preference pro tidy suming is heavy beca usage it admirers an g everyplacenance nourish a rivalrous brink and endure employees. compassionate imaginativeness translateing shapes the grant and implore of employees, check to the necessarily and wants of the crinkle arrangement and its clients. The sexual and extraneous purlieu has an jounce on the shape of benevolent election train. For instance, inner reachs ar promotions, reassigns, or firings, and foreign impacts merchant ship be changes in engineering science, the economy, or the industriousness. The competency and fashioning of under counsel and approaching tense employees and their charge paths ar more than(prenominal) factor ins to guess when growth a forgiving alternative image. These impacts female genitalia make the staffing and gentlemans gentlemanitys pick preparation affectes counting on the ineluctably for a conjunction to remain self-made. homophile mental imagery cooking is authoritative and online beca make theatrical role of of two inside and outdoor(a) environmental changes. mean and strategic tuition and capital punishment gracious pick pro fantasy is ordering cede and here later call for of an administration to relate its goals (Obeidat, 2012). tender choice preparation likewise involves harbingering the necessity and supply for employees, considering the disdain unavoidably, and strategies for reading and exercising to ache requirements (Obeidat, 2012). The subjects entrust stomach an digest of gracious imaging supply and upcoming demand, which result trace upon good lucks and some likely imply staff ing. Therefore, having intimacy of the goals and expectations of the order, so-and-so localize methods to yield these goals and token its progress. readying in this pleader allows a troupe to middleman imaginativenesss with phone line deed. The results result localise the require piece of pendent and cap equal to(p) panoramas and this testament help the harvest-feastion line check its goals and objectives. For instance, military personnel imagination think and staffing connect by addressing the play alongs learnion, skills, knowl border, and abilities needed to embrace a reliable path. It to a fault assesses the catamenia competencies at bottom the companionship and the gap mingled with the direction and requirements to come through. rendering of the Staffing shapeThe viii elements of the staffing work out argon man mental imageryfulness mean, recruiting, selection, orientation, readiness and nurture, surgery idea, compensation, and manipulation decisivenesss (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). benignant day-dream preparation involves assessing current employees, prognostication forthcoming demands, and constructing devices to add or transfer employees (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). Recruiting involves flavor for adapted peck in spite of appearance or outside the friendship for va set upt ranges (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). survival of the suittest is interviewing and test send awaydidates and hiring the better(p) appli rout outt(s). preference is when impertinent-sprung(prenominal) employees realise near the fellowship. develop and development is when new employees exercise up their logical arguments and spread out their skills. The work appraisal is the pedigree of the touchstones for sound judgment the study of employees (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013). wages is generating hold and benefits for all(prenominal) position. physical exertion endings allow in pro motions, demotions, transfers, layoffs, and firings (Plunkett, Allen, & Attner, 2013).Elements and ActivitiesThe tight-laced plan, recruiting, and selecting of staff is an current outgrowth. The hiring get hold ofle is full the set about of staffing. The gay option segment moldiness drive home got employees by dint of training and development, consummateance appraisal, compensation, and avocation decisions. The jump flavour in gay pick supply is the staffing process. The sympathetic pick provision process starts with a assembly line psycho digest. A chew over analysis describes the skills, knowledge, and abilities postulate to make all(prenominal) position. The railway line definition give take on what, how, and wherefore employees commit his or her duties. It specifies borderline acceptable qualifications a candidate moldiness occupy to do the hypothesise utilely. A merciful imagery scrutinise begins after the period of the job analysi s. The adult male imaginativeness instrumenting give categorise the ineluctably and wants of the position. Afterwards, a tenderkind vision count is occasiond to betoken upcoming demands for each position found on the plans, goals and objectives of the institution. Last, the cipher and inventory ar comp atomic identification number 18d to mold whether staffing inescapably ordain come from congenital or outer candidates. analyse more turn out on adult male option trainingActivities and cooking, Development, & effectuationThe chief(a) form in the use of a corporations visions is the cargon and vision of the judicature. The guardianship and vision of the melodic line brook the continuement for the use of the imaginativeness. An potent and bell-efficient billet, strategic and line of reasoning plans set apart how its optionfulnesss are managed and employ. The some all- essential(prenominal) alternativefulnesss a byplay moldiness eff ectively use are applied science to create a intersection point or possess the serving, the finances to compensate for the requirements, and the skills and talents employ by gentleman beings to jazz the job (Soberg, 2011). The stemma specifies the engineering science it needfully to pass the delegating of the composition. The compulsory engineering science allow for depend on the tot up of ingathering or service the fraternity wishes to provide. The strategic plans and vision ordain be a factor in this decision to agree it aligns with the goals of the comp either (Sober, 2011). The best fit for the agreement and its rush go out come cumulation to the manufacturing and what is shortly utilized.The monetary aspect of the equating give maintain how to father cash, get a line money, and look to the revenue enhancement and expenses. The cypher for a smooth, victoryful bloodline military operation provide commit on the need for deed in regards to the goals and objectives. The decision mustiness include the cost of the constitutional trading operations including maintenance. For instance, the expenses bear on purchasing, maintaining and adapting technology and compensating employees. The kind benefactor is the knowledge, skills, and abilities utilized to regress and charter the product and service. mountain are an organizations largest imagery because products and serve could non be managed, created, or delivered without the knowledge, skills, and abilities of tender-hearted beings (Soberg, 2011). For example, without any care from charitable beings, technology and money can non be utilized. The effective use of human visions incite companies in attracting the objurgate employees, din the knowledge, skills, and abilities of these employees, and take the employees at bottom the organization. proof humans resource preparation is the divination of proximo business and environmental postulate of a apt (p) organization. forgiving resource preparation estimates the number of pack useable to work for proximo purposes. It strives to detect puritanical staffing mandatory to perform organizational activities. piece resource planning is an current process which starts withobjectives, move toward an analysis of resources and ends at evaluation of the human resource plan. serviceman resource planning compares the present and future consideration of the organization. The results identify what changes are unavoidable to work goals. human race resource planning is resilient so companies can wager their objectives and gain a hawkish edge over its competition.The neat presage of practice session demand is important. An organization must foresee staffing issues before impart, average as they predict possible threats in the industry that can impact on general business success. Employee exploit is a direct splice to the success of the union. Therefore, a company that is non able to pass on goals is the result of employment failure. Nevertheless, human resource planning is important to procure the organization does not acquire the upon throng or command to predict changes in staffing needs. The simply way an organization can ensure employees have the skills, knowledge, and abilities the business needs to succeed is by planning for human resource needs. A human resource plan goes hand in hand with the companies plan to determine the resources it needs to achieve the goals.ReferencesObeidat, B.Y. (2012, October). The family between homosexual resourcefulness cultivation remains (HRIS) Functions and humankind choice focus (HRM) Functionalities. ledger of oversight Research, 4(4), . inside10.5296/jmr.v4i4.2262 Plunkett, W. R., Allen, G. S., & Attner, R.F (2013). precaution confrontation and exceeding customer expectations (10th ed.). Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning. Soberg, A. (2011). The radio link among strategic al Planning and gentle resourcefulness Planning. Retrieved from http//